No Religion Higher Than Truth

Cazimi New Moon July 5, 2024

Astro Events by Estela

New Moon in Cancer on July 5th at 6:58 pm EDT at 14o 23 minutes.

This New Moon event is a Cazimi lunation, an opportunity to add power and strength to our intentions and increase the possibility of a successful outcome. The Cazimi New Moon event occurs occasionally and therefore should be taken when this opportunity arises. The problem is that it is of short duration during the Moon’s conjunction with the Sun and lasts only 1 hour. The opportune time for major effect is ½ hour before 6: 58 pm to ½ hour after 6: 58 pm ln July 5th. Outside of this period, this lunation will not bring about a successful outcome for any initiation as the Moon is combust, in other words the energies of the Sun block out any positive Lunar effects. So, for those living in other time zones, check with astrological websites for when this lunation occurs in your time zone, this will be very important.

The Cazimi effect was introduced around the 6th to 7th century by a Hellenistic astrologer by the name of Rhetorius and was known in Greek as Egkardios (in the heart of the Sun), it was later used by Arab astrologer Sahl ibn Bishr and eventually Medieval astrologer Guido Bonatti used it in his calculations. Cazimi is the latinized spelling of the Arabic Kasmimi (in the heart of the Sun) and was considered a positive factor, strengthening the vibrational energies of the planets that were otherwise combust with the Sun. A planet is considered to be “in the heart of the Sun” as it crosses the Sun and comes within 16 minutes of a conjunction of the Sun and goes out of Cazimi within 1 degree of the Sun.

Time your thoughts of initiating a project, a study, a relationship, come to a decision regarding something you desire to manifest during this hour of opportunity.

Cancer is a Cardinal Sign and rules the Solar 4th house, the house of family and country, in other words your foundation, your base. During this month you will have opportunities to work on improving these areas. Both Saturn (currently Retrograde) and Neptune (currently Retrograde) are trine this lunation and during this month the Sun. With this combination you will be able to go forward inspired with structured plans to put into action. Overall, this is a good month and one you should take advantage of putting the affairs of the house where this lunation occurs into action. The Sabian symbol for 14Cancer gives us an insight into the basic energy signature for this day, indicating that there is no darkness that cannot yield inspiration and lift you up into the light. “This is a symbol of the immeasurable reaches of past experience as a strengthening of the human spirit for its immediate destiny, and of the eternal rebirth through which man may discover that present aspiration and future achievement are without the slightest limitation in any terms of events to come.”  However dark the present, “ask and it shall be received” all you need is conviction.

We await October 2024 for events to arrive, when the Sun will be severely affected by the 4 outer giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Enjoy this month and get prepared.

Thank you for visiting Astro Events with Estela.

See ya soon