No Religion Higher Than Truth

Who We Are

Theosophy Foundation, Inc., is a federally recognized 501-3(c) tax-exempt organization. It operates the Theosophical website Blavatsky.Net and its retail outlet Silk Road

The fundamental objective of Theosophy Foundation, Inc. is to preserve, research, and promote original Theosophy as brought to us by Madame H.P. Blavatsky and her teachers.

Toward that end the late Reed Carson, president of Theosophy Foundation, Inc. and his wife, Estela Carson-Priede, also a long-time student of theosophy, have been responsible for the website that set standards of creative ways to dissimilate the teachings over the last decade, with an online forum for seven years and a highly original monthly newsletter for three years.

The Foundation, under current president Estela Carson-Priede, has on the drawing board new plans to advance Theosophy: an online search engine especially designed for searching Theosophical material, a blog, additional options for discussions, and a center for research. Theosophy Foundation, Inc., is currently looking into publishing out of print theosophical material. 

To contribute a more concrete presence in the world, the Foundation holds the vision of a research center that will provide much-needed further detailed resources for Theosophical material, and supply a protective repository of existing Theosophical material. This new endeavor will naturally complement and further the online project.

We feel strongly that the core written material of Theosophy must be studied and researched with a fine-tooth comb. It must be researched down to the page, the paragraph and even, in some cases, down to the word. We feel we must do this now, as the originals are becoming older and subjected to Time. This material must then all be offered online in convenient form accessible to the world and to the future.

Reed was well equipped to lay the foundation for this task, being a scientist by original training, a computer programmer specialized in databases by profession, and a Theosophist of more than a quarter of a century who led classes, gave talks, and was interviewed for television and on national radio on Theosophy, as well as authoring the web site. Having learned much from her husband and being independently well-versed in writings of Theosophy and committed to the propagation of Theosophy, Estela now oversees the work as it continues.

In these days ideas compete strongly for the public’s attention, it is clear that we must organize ourselves and our information and present it more efficiently, and work to extend the knowledge more widely and vigorously to the global community. The times call out for our committed action now. 

Theosophy Foundation, Inc., is uniquely located in the Appalachian Mountains north of Atlanta. These mountains are one of the oldest on Earth and subsequently are affect very little by geographic upheavels. The granite and quartz presence in this mountain range contributes to its energetic vibrations  that empowers the area. 

To this end, we at Theosophy Foundation, Inc., have set up a donation page for those wanting to help preserve Theosophical materials and promote the distribution of said materials. 

Donations to Theosophy Foundation, Inc.

We are asking all who are interested to help, by contributing to the tax-deductible Theosophy Foundation, Inc., for the achievement of the objectives and goals set out in our projects page.

Checks or money orders are made payable to: Theosophy Foundation, Inc.

Theosophy Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 847
Blue Ridge, GA 30513 USA

Please include your contact information including address, email and phone. As of 2007, according to US IRS regulations, to deduct donations of $250.00 or more you must have a note of acknowledgement from the recipient. For that reason, and for all smaller amounts, we would like to send you a thank you note. All information you submit is kept confidential.  Your support is vital, and we thank you in advance.

Estela Carson-Priede, President
Theosophy Foundation
Email: [email protected]