Theosophy - Living The Life
The Ancient Wisdom Tradition better known as Theosophy, is the synthesis of Religion – Philosophy and Science. Many students reading and studying Theosophy find, at first, difficulty bringing what they have learned to practical actions. An important principle in Theosophy is that there are no gurus, only students albeit at varying degrees of knowledge. There is no church, no synagogue, nor temple but gathering halls for students (of which we all are) to share what we have learned. And so, below we have compiled articles that deal with how to live as a Theosophist simply and plainly, in the hope of helping others on their spiritual journey.
(Links below lead to study material for the topic.)
Theosophy – Living The Life
Altruism – Compassion and Service – The Heart Doctrine
Meditation and Spiritual Disciplines – Seeking the Silence Within
Aspiration, Discipleship and Initiation – The Trinity of the Path
Psychic Powers and the Astral Light: Behind the Veil of Illusion
What is the Astral Plane? – Nature’s Magic Mirror
Beyond the Five Senses – Explanations of Phenomena
Our Unfolding Psychic Nature – The Evolutionary Clock
Visions of Our Divine Destiny: The Heroic Transformation of Consciousness
Christs and Buddhas – the God Within
Coming Races and the Golden Age – Ancient Myths from the Future
Our Divine Destiny – Realm of Universal Consciousness
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