No Religion Higher Than Truth

The Metaphysics of It All

“Metaphysics and religion both explore profound questions about existence, reality, and the divine. While metaphysics seeks understanding through philosophical inquiry, religion often provides answers through faith and spiritual texts. Metaphysics chiefly addresses questions about what is ultimately real and important, while philosophy of religion explores and evaluates religious views of reality and seeks to understand religious practice. The relationship between metaphysics and religion is a dance between reason and belief, shaping our worldview”. -From The Canadian 

The underlying view of metaphysics goes beyond the “philosophical inquiry” and is tied to religious assumptions of life and Man’s relationship to the unseen world than we might at first think. Our metaphysical view is shaped by our assumptions and our assumptions shape our opinions and our values. These shape our thoughts, our actions, and how we live. This is where religion has a great influence by tying Man to certain assumptions regarding the unseen world. Man is tied to his assumptions whether it be philosophical, scientific or religious. 

Modern science is quickly discovering that the unseen world has a greater effect on the seen world.  Theosophy has stated for over a hundred forty-nine years. “Thoughts become things” and proceeds to describe this realm of thought as actual and calls it the field of ideation, in other words “From within, without.”  

“In the case of Darwinism, we can consider this dependence more specifically. Suppose we have the view that Darwinism is the cause of the origin of species. This might seem just a detail, but it is not. This view gives us a basis for a materialistic outlook on life. Understandably we will reach different views on the variety of sanctity of life issues for example. Suppose instead we recognize the failings of the Darwinian hypothesis. I mean the utter failings. Then we must at least leave room in our underlying values for a more spiritual view. That orientation is likely to give us a sense of a purpose in life, a connection to the universe. It should in turn lead us to view all sentient life around us in a more respectful way.” -Reed Carson

H. P. Blavatsky wrote extensively on the subjects of Metaphysics, a very wide and deep subject dealing with issues beyond this physical reality, which is exactly what the word means. Although, her articles are listed in alphabetical order elsewhere, herewith I have listed those that deal specifically with metaphysics.


If we look at the world around us, the people and groups of ideas that swirl in contention, we see a most remarkable clustering of ideas. Theosophy is of course on the spiritual end and not the materialistic end of this polarity. Yet it is the materialistic version that is taught to our high school students and imposed upon our civilization in a wide variety of ways. The consequences are profound, pervasive and major.

Reed Carson, the late co-founder of Theosophy Foundation, Inc., and Blavatsky Net, wrote on the metaphysical aspects of Theosophy He also touched upon some religious history that anticipated Theosophy and themes that impact Theosophy today.

Many wonder what occultism is and how does this discipline relate to Theosophy. Throughout history we encounter different aspects of occultism, yet all arrive at the same point – there is only one source at the heart of existence. 

We highlight a few articles from Theosophy Magazine, which was originally started by Robert Crosbie, President of the United Lodge of Theosophists back in 1926. 

Articles covering Reincarnation, Near Death Experience and Spiritual Progress confirming the teachings of Theosophy, along with articles regarding the Supernatural and Astral phenomena.