No Religion Higher Than Truth

Checklist of Some Principles of Theosophy

ANCIENT WISDOM knew – and continues to know – deep and vast knowledge about ourselves, our purpose in life, nature, the universe, the highest god-like principles, and man’s long pre-history on this earth. Theosophy is the portion of that ancient knowledge brought to us by H. P. Blavatsky toward the end of the 19th century, as taught to her by her Teachers in Tibet.

Some of its principles are:

          • Everything in the universe originates from one boundless, eternal, unknowable source. After a period of manifested existence, the universe returns to that source.
          • The universe itself is an organic whole, alive, intelligent, conscious, and divine.
          • The laws of nature are the result of intelligent forces.
          • The law of karma holds throughout the universe. It operates at all levels, ensuring justice, harmony, and balance.
          • We reincarnate into successive lives. Once we have reached the human level, we do not regress back into animal forms.
          • The law of karma acts over our successive lives to ensure justice. (We don’t get away with it.) We are the cause of every joy and pain in our own life.
          • A law of cycles provides fundamental structure at all levels. Two examples are our pattern of reincarnation, and the continuing “lives” of the universe as it appears, then returns to its source.
          • Analogy and correspondence provide fundamental structure for the universe. This is a broad statement of the Hermetic axion – “As above, so below”.
          • Evolution applies on a grand scale to all of life.
          • Soul gets involved in this world of matter. It experiences and learns. Soul then works its way back in a long pilgrimage to its primal source. This again follows a cyclic pattern.
          • This evolution achieves experience, self-awareness, and ever-increasing perfection. Evolution occurs on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.
          • “Survival of the fittest” along with gradual accumulation of small beneficial changes does not explain the “origin of the species”. The origin of the species is due to intelligent design.
          • Humanity has experienced significant evolution in long periods on the continents (not islands) of Atlantis and Lemuria.
          • There is a seven-fold constitution of man ranging from the physical plane to the purely spiritual plane.
          • Thoughts are tangible objects on higher planes. Every thought and action have their effect on us and on our surroundings and have a karmic consequence.
          • The three higher planes of this constitution form the “higher self” and that is what reincarnates from life to life and accumulates the experience, the lessons, the virtues. The lower planes form the “lower self” and are the vehicle used by the higher self while it is living in this active testing ground of incarnate life.
          • At the moment of death, we have a review of our life just past – as we cast off this physical frame. After a short period, that varies greatly between individuals, we cast off other lower aspects of our constitution and the reincarnating self begins a long period of merciful, earned, rest before the next birth.
          • Often during this life, our spiritual nature is obscured in our self-centered daily lives as we cater to our immediate needs and desires. But the spiritual self is always there to guide us if we seek it with strong earnest desire.
          • We can strive to reach our higher self by:
            Listening to our still small voice of conscience.
            Noting the dreams from the higher self.
            Developing our intuition.
            Studying principles of the Wisdom Religion.
            Aligning ourselves with Nature. Engaging in action for the greater good.
            Carefully reading the events or our daily life.
          • Brotherhood is a fact in nature. We are One at the highest spiritual component of our being. We are sparks from the One flame. We are the fingers on One hand. We are One at other levels as well.
          • We should:
            Understand we are not separate from humanity or the world.
            Emphasize brotherhood, altruism, and compassion in our daily lives.
            Strive to Know our higher self.
            As a guiding rule -act for and as the Self of All.
          • The religion of the world are branches on the tree whose trunk is the one ancient – once universal – wisdom religion. The religions are the tributaries of one great river. (But they borrow from each other to make the actual details much more complex.)
          • Mythology often transmits some of this knowledge in symbolic form.
          • Periodically, great teachers come amongst us to help us in this evolutionary path. They may create another branch on the tree.
          • Humanity’s potential is infinite, and every being has a contribution to make toward a grander world. We are all in it together

We arise out of the ONE, have our being in the One, and return to the One.