No Religion Higher Than Truth

The Last Message to the American Convention

(Letter from H. P. Blavatsky, dated April 15, 1891, read by Annie Besant, afternoon session, April 26; reproduced verbatim from the original in the handwriting of G. R. S. Mead, except for the closing salutation and signature, held in the Archives of the Theosophical Society, Pasadena)

To the Fifth Convention of the American Section of The Theosophical Society

Bother Theosophists:

I have purposely omitted any mention of my oldest friend and fellow-worker, W.Q. Judge, in my general address to you, because I think that his unflagging and self-sacrificing efforts for the building up of Theosophy in America deserves special mention.

Had it not been for W.Q. Judge, Theosophy would not be where it is today in the United States. It is he who has mainly built up the movement among you, and he who has proved in a thousand ways his entire loyalty to the best interests of Theosophy and the Society.

Mutual admiration should play no part in a Theosophical Convention, but honour shoud be given where honour is due, and I gladly take this opportunity of stating in public, by the mouth of my friend and colleague, Annie Besant, my deep appreciation of the work of your General Secretary, and of publicly tendering him my most sincere thanks and deeply-felt gratitude, in the name of Theosophy, for the noble work he is doing and has done.

Yours fraternally,
H.P. Blavatsky
April, 15, 1891

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