No Religion Higher Than Truth

Sinking of Atlantis

Atlantis – Date Coincidences


We need to focus for a moment on the date of the sinking of Atlantis. In the Secret Doctrine HPB gives the date as 12,000 years ago.

Often Plato is taken as asserting a date of 9,600 BC. That could be looked at a little more carefully. Collins, mentioned earlier, calculates a date from the Critias and the Timeaus of Plato of either 9570 or post 8570. 

In a more obscure source Theosophy gives a precise date of 9,565 BC. As far as I know this is the only precise date given from any  source. More on this particular date later.

Altogether we should use the round number of 12,000 years ago or 10,000 BC because I will be dealing with various dates from science that are not much more precise than that.

The big question: Does science say anything happened in 10,000 BC. Definitely yes, one fact leaps out. That is when science says the Pleistocene epoch ended! Science defines the Pleistocene as roughly the ice-age. It is asserted to have lasted some 2 million years and ended in relatively recent times about 10,000 BC.

So my first question is this. Is it a coincidence that the pleistocene  ended its 2,000,000 years duration just as Atlantis was claimed by both HPB and Plato to have sunk? Could there be a connection?

Now lets look at orogeny – the science of mountain building. Apparently this is not generally known outside of orogeny circles but …  The Himalayas are young mountains. They are said to have arisen toward the end of the Pleistocene. The alps hardly show much erosion. They are said to have gained most of their height around the end of the Pleistocene. The Rocky Mountains are obviously new. They are said to have risen during the end of the Pleistocene. The Andes are a new chain. Very fresh young rocks. Yes – they are said to have arisen at the end of the Pleistocene. The mountains about Kabul in Afghanistan rose at the end of the Pleistocene. The same goes for more mountains as well.

Science does not know why all these mountains went up at this time.

What does that make people think?? Do people know this?

Next very simple question – if all that earth went up then wouldn’t it be reasonable for something to go “down”? Any thoughts?

There is another oddity that occurred at the end of the Pleistocene in the field of biology. During the Pleistocene we lost hundreds (two?) of the large animal species – hairy mammoth, wooly rhinoceros, saber-tooth tiger etc. But here is the odd part. Some 75 percent of those species lost during the Pleistocene were lost during the last 800 years or so of the Pleistocene.

Science does not know why this happened.

Anything to do with the mountains? Anything to do with Atlantis?             

It was not only mountains. At one time the population of the American Indian dropped to almost zero. That was around 10,000 BC. Could it be related? No one knows why.

There is a curious item from archaeology. The paleolithic period (old stone) was followed by the Mesolithic (middle stone), which was followed by the Neolithic (new stone) which was followed by the bronze age, iron age and onward. Paleolithic used crude stone implements. Mesolithic and Neolithic civilization introduced weaving, pottery, domesticated animals and agriculture with details depending upon the scholar.

As I read it, everywhere the transition from age to age was smooth. The durations of the different ages differed in different locations. But there was one exception. The transition from Paleolithic to Mesolithic was abrupt. And it was abrupt everywhere. No one knows why. But there was a greater oddity – that transition occurred at the same time everywhere! Well, you can guess when – at 10,000 BC.

Cro-Magnon man provides one last mystery. Cro-Magnon man invaded Spain, France and Northern Africa from some unknown source. No one knows from where. Those invasions are thought to have started around 38,000 BC. The last such invasion was called the Azillian Man. It was vastly different from the prior civilizations of Cro-Magnon man.  It left only a relatively very thin strata for the archaeologists.  Here is the point of note – when did this group from some unknown source, seemingly from the Atlantic, arrive for the last time? Why in 10,000 BC.

So, Brian – and anyone else – what are we to think of this? What should a reasonable person think?

Reed Carson

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