No Religion Higher Than Truth

Atlantis -"And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead"

Theosophy Magazine
Vol. 13, No. 7, May 1925
pages 308 -311

The term “Atlantean” must not mislead the reader to regard these as one race only, or even a nation. It is as though one said “Asiatics.” … There were brown, red, yellow, white and black Atlanteans; giants and dwarfs … (The Secret Doctrine, II, 433, fn.)

In the early part of the Tertiary Age, the most brilliant civilization the world has ever known flourished at a period when the Haeckelian man-ape is conceived to have roamed through the primeval forests, … The monsters bred in sin and shame by the Atlantean giants, “blurred copies” of their bestial sires, and hence of modern man (Huxley), now mislead and overwhelm with error the speculative Anthropologist of European Science. (S.D., II, 679.)

“… The Greeks were but the dwarfed and weak remnant of that once glorious nation….”

What was this nation? The secret doctrine teaches that it was the latest, seventh sub-race of the Atlanteans, already swallowed up in one of the early sub-races of the Aryan stock, … Descending from the high plateaux of Asia, where the two Races had sought refuge in the days of the agony of Atlantis, it had been slowly settling and colonizing the freshly emerged lands…. Egypt and Greece, the Phoenicians, and the Northern stocks, had thus proceeded from that one sub-race….

Did not the Spaniards in the Cibola expeditions meet with WHITE savage chiefs; and has not the presence of African negro types in Europe in the pre-historic ages been now ascertained? It is this presence of a type associated with that of the negro, and also with that of the Mongolian, which is the stumbling-block of anthropology. (S.D., II, 743-44.)

THE truth of a thesis may be directly perceived, as with the axioms of mathematics. Or it may be indirectly approached by a meticulous accumulation of facts; heaped up against the day when, perchance, some flash of direct perception — intuition — shall delineate the obscure framework.
The former is the method of Theosophy; or rather, of Those who gave it. There are other axioms in the Universe than those of mathematics. But the mind enslaved to matter — the race mind — cannot see them as such; for it, there remains the scientific approach. In Theosophy, as in mathematics which forms a part thereof, there is a subsidiary efflorescence of doctrine which proves its origin by its results demonstrable to the eye of physical man.

A snowflake is no great matter; a contradictory fact can be set aside — for a time. But enough of snowflakes break the strongest ridgepole. In 1882 Ignatius Donnelly pointed out an alarming accumulation on the scientific roof of facts regarding Atlantis. Six years later, H. P. Blavatsky, continuing her teachings instituted in 1875, quoted Donnelly amid a mass of other pertinent arguments. Where facts cannot be denied, they can be ignored; and both Donnelly and H.P.B. were stigmatized as romancers when not liars.

Times have changed; Atlantis is now under the scientific microscope. However, there are and always will be some who test the whole field by their own acre. Prof. Bateson is agnostic regarding the whole case of evolution because biology furnishes no explanation. Dr. Osborn is indignant because he possesses facts lending themselves — when forced — to his own special interpretations. Even now, while Professors Macmillan Brown and Simmons, fully convinced, are adding to the vast Atlantean museum, Dr. Osborn and Prof. Chamberlain deny the ancient continent point-blank — Dr. Osborn, because his reputation is bound up with a Darwinian hypothesis which does not allow for it; Prof. Chamberlain, because his geological studies of continental structure seem to go against it. Yet it is well known that sedimentary rocks are found at the highest altitudes. Given such fearful upheavals, why not as great subsidences? In fact, irrespective of theory, they must follow.

The scientist Geoffroy, who accompanied Napoleon to Egypt, brought back sketches of a unique bat, which has not been seen by anyone else, and remains a mystery. In 1917 the American Museum of Natural History rediscovered the bat in Porto Rico. In 1923 a fossil Gingko leaf was found at Spokane. The former discovery proves America to have been connected with Africa; the latter, with both Asia and Africa. But these, definite as they are, are but small drops in the monsoon which is in full blast everywhere. Moreover, this evidence is all circumstantial, and if accepted, can be relegated to the ages “before man.” Theosophy has use for proofs of Donnelly’s remark, that “the roots of our present institutions go back to the Miocene Age.” Now we have that which not only settles the question of civilized Atlantis, but pushes civilization at least 20,000 years nearer the Miocene times. We now have Atlantis rediscovered.

A strange Karma pursues the Schliemann family. Prof. E. Schliemann, the elder, endured the contempt of science for many years, at last to carve himself a deep niche in the hall of fame by his discovery of the real city of Troy. He had firm faith in Atlantis, from the same kind of evidence which led him to Troy. Why not, since Troy was an Atlanto-Aryan colony?

Prof. Paul Schliemann has followed in his father’s footsteps to the discovery of Atlantis — or rather, its remnant, Poseidonis. His book will be published in Germany shortly.

Much of a fifteen years’ course of research was passed in submarine exploration. There are numerous submerged mountain peaks near the African coast; his finds were made upon these. The first was a wall fragment, showing an artistic frieze which he calls “running figures”; in reality the representation of a ceremonial dance. A mile from this was another, showing men and animals. Both are evidently from the local stone which forms the sea-bed here. In another place Prof. Schliemann walked into an ancient cave-temple of highly artistic construction; deep under water, and in the neighborhood of 200 miles off shore. Elsewhere, on another submerged peak, were found many pieces of statuary, one of which represents a sensual, semi-negroid but very intelligent face of the kind described in ancient Asiatic chronicles.

Prof. Schliemann discusses the similarity — the identity — between African and Central American art; all of which is so familiar with readers of Atlantis and students of The Secret Doctrine that we need not enlarge thereupon.

Upon the African coast he found two great forgotten highways leading to the sea; port roads, he thinks. Lehmann found the same phenomenon in Central America. Moreover, Prof. Schliemann found unrecorded and unexplained lighthouse towers on the African coast, which he thinks were built by civilized Atlantean navigators. Can one not envision the “mythical” Western race described by Homer, whose vessels “went without sails or oars”? Have we not here a picture of the surprise caused the nascent, still barbarous Greek civilization, by navigators of a decadent but high civilization? Navigators coasting the Greek shores as Magellan coasted the Philippines ages later?

Prof. Schliemann does not say why these remains were found on the highest peaks. Theosophy teaches that the broken continent had been subsiding erratically for millenniums; without doubt the inhabitants lived in terror of a cataclysm, and sought the highest peaks, possibly cultivating the lowlands, as did the Pueblos later for other reasons. The ocean bottom at the scene of Prof. Schliemann’s explorations shows volcanic action, which calls to mind the description of the bursting of gas pockets in the Indian manuscripts, dating back 30,000 years, found by Col. Churchward.

Prof. Schliemann, believing the “first man” to have evolved on Atlantis, adds a fourth to the present theories of the scene of Man’s genesis. Perhaps when the Arctic is fully explored, we shall have a fifth and correct one. None of the theorists at all approach the true age of man. The Bamian statues, described in the Literary Digest, January 10, 1925, are representations of mankind in a day when the very laws of matter were other than now. In the neighborhood of 200 feet high, they represent the stature of mankind when matter was still diffuse; when, in scientific terms, the orbits of the electrons had not been circumscribed to their present limits. The present plaster casings representing Buddha were added aeons later by Buddhist Arhats.

To what does all this tend? Perchance to that distant day when all thinkers will see in mankind that which it really is — a concourse of indomitable, immortal spiritual entities, alternately conquering matter, alternately abusing its powers and falling into oblivion, to begin anew. Then will come an understanding that man is not an animal, but a spirit conjoined with an animal; that his true salvation, and release, from the cycles of life, lie not in the animal duty of self-preservation, but in the spiritual duty of self-sacrifice, which is preservation of ALL-SELF.

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