No Religion Higher Than Truth

Course Syllabuses on Theosophy

Course Syllabuses

I am offering course syllabuses that cover from the basic principles of Theosophy to courses on how to live a theosophical life. These courses are currently being worked on and aim to relate the sometimes-abstract ideas of Theosophy to the normal person’s life. Throughout the coming year, I will be adding more course syllabuses to this section. These course syllabuses will be from the Theosophical World Community and the various publications.

Theosophy – What’s It All About

This course was organized as a discussion list open to all friends of Blavatsky Net’s Forum (currently is not available). It reviews the basic teachings of Theosophy in a way suitable for those new to the philosophy and for those who would like to engage in a “refresher” course. I very much want to create an environment where newcomers will feel open, comfortable in their learning experience, and not overwhelmed by a torrent of obscure detail that seems intimidating or irrelevant to the initial learning experience.

Theosophy – Living the Life

This course was organized by members of the United Lodge of Theosophists in New York as a private study program, or for use in small study groups. The focus here is on how to go about in our daily living, using the principles of Theosophy.

The Bhagavad-Gita (The Lord’s Song)

This course was developed by a long-time student of Theosophy, and member of The United Lodge of Theosophists Of New York. George Baird was a leading student of Theosophy and had conducted many evening courses at the ULT Lodge on 72nd Street, New York

Theosophy – As taught by H. P. Blavatsky

This course is a facsimile of the studies conducted by HPB in London, and as published under the name Transactions of The Blavatsky Lodge.

Secret Doctrine Study Series

[COMPILER’S NOTE: This whole 25-part series of articles was originally presented in three consecutive series sections. “First Series” of eight, which are numbered I-VIII. The “Second Series” has nine articles, numbered I-IX; and the “Third Series” has eight, numbered I-VIII. Even though each article has a different sub-heading, I tell you this just to be sure that there is no confusion when you see articles with the same roman numerals.]

First Series

Second Series

Third Series

Isis Unveiled Study Series

Key to Theosophy

As presented by H. P. Blavatsky in a book of that title. Here the student through careful reading will be able to grasp the essentials of Theosophy.