No Religion Higher Than Truth

The General Secretary Tour

From William Q. Judge Theosophical Articles, Vol. II.

The General Secretary was to have started for the West upon the very day when the death of Madame Blavatsky caused him to sail for Europe, and upon his return the new date was fixed for Sept. 5th, but sickness caused postponement till the 8th, at which time he left for Omaha. From Omaha he went to Washington Terr., visiting the 3 Branches therein, thence to Portland, Oregon, and to San Francisco, arriving about the 23rd. It had been arranged that his route through California should be made out by the Pacific Coast Committee, they being conversant with the State. It is hardly probable that the route can be completed before the close of October, after which occurs the series of visitations on his journey homewards, beginning with Salt Lake City. Branches and groups desiring a visit and a public lecture are desired to address him before Oct. 25th, Care Dr. J.A. Anderson, 4 Odd Fellows Bdg., San Francisco, stating what provision can be made for a hall, for his entertainment, and for the expense of travel. He will make out his schedule before leaving California, and will notify successive points of his date and length of stay.

This is the longest and most carefully planned tour yet made in America for Theosophical purposes, and is expected to produce good results. H.P.B.’s departure has sounded the word “Theosophy” all over the land and opened thousands of ears to an exposition of it, and there never was a time when a series of public lectures was so certain of attendance and of press notice. Every Western Branch may be quickened and its growth fostered by now receiving a visit during this tour, for the field is prepared for the seed and the sower is at hand. While no human arithmetic can ever figure the precise effect of a wide distribution of truth, it is reasonably certain that enough will be palpable to affirm the wisdom of the tour and to make American Theosophists long and labor for the time when a Permanent Lecturer will be part of the outfit of Headquarters. This is not at all an impossible thing. The Convention endorsed the project, and $1200 a year have been guaranteed towards expenses. If the General Secretary’s present journey stimulates Theosophists in this direction it will be doing one of the many things expected from it.

William Q. Judge,
Path, October, 1891


Pacific Coast Lecturer. Bro. Allen Griffiths of San Francisco has been appointed Lecturer for the Pacific Coast by the Committee for T.S. work there, and with the consent of the Executive Committee, to begin March 15th. The Branches and Members in California, Oregon, and Washington subscribed for the purpose. No doubt the result will be very beneficial to the movement on the coast.

WQJ, Path, March, 1892