No Religion Higher Than Truth

Committee Work

From William Q. Judge Theosophical Articles, Vol. II.

THE “LEAGUE OF THEOSOPHICAL WORKERS” has been formed in accordance with the report of the committee appointed at the last annual convention of the American Section of the Theosophical Society for founding such league. Its central office is in New York City. Its officers are:

Mrs. J. Campbell Ver Planck, President.
Miss Katharine Hillard, Vice President.
Mr. H.T. Patterson, Secretary.
Mr. E.A. Neresheimer, Treasurer.

Under it local leagues may be formed, which leagues by the provisions of the Constitution of the society will be nearly autonomous.

Membership is only open to members of the Theosophical Society, though others may take part in its work as associate members.

Notice will shortly be sent out with full particulars as to the provisions of the Constitution, and suggestions as to the best methods to be followed by the local leagues.

THE STANDING COMMITTEE appointed at the last annual Convention of the American Section of the Theosophical Society for making of branch work more effective have their first suggestions nearly ready. It makes a somewhat voluminous paper, and will either be published in a subsequent number of the PATH, or sent out by the committee itself direct to the Branches. It embodies plans for the running of large and small, and formal and informal meetings. Also a draft of fifty-two subjects for discussion, the subjects being arranged in groups under different headings – this scheme being adopted in toto from the Brooklyn branch. There are in addition recommendations for study at subsidiary meetings, and outlines as to co-operative home work, with a valuable paper summarizing the entire Secret Doctrine on the topic of “hierarchies” — this summarization being the result of such work already done.

William Q. Judge,
The Path, June, 1891