No Religion Higher Than Truth

William Quan Judge

Born in Dublin in 1851, WQJ came to the United States (with his father and siblings) at the age of thirteen arriving in New York in 1864. He became a citizen in 1872 and was admitted to the bar in that year. Having from boyhood shown an interest in mystical matters (his father being an avid Freemason), it was natural for him to make inquiries which led him to Madame Blavatsky, whom he met in 1874. In the following year he was one of the co-founders-with H.P. Blavatsky and Henry S. Olcott- of the Theosophical Society. When these two associates in the Movement went to India in 1879, Judge carried on the work of the Society in the United States. He started the American monthly, The Path, in 1886, and thereafter wrote for it unceasingly until the time of his death in 1896.

The book, Theosophical Articles by William Q. Judge, presents the bulk of his contribution to The Path, and articles written for The Theosophist, founded by H.P.B. in 1879 in India, for Lucifer, begun in 1887 in England, also by H.P.B., and for one or two other journals. As a result of his efforts, the Theosophical Society grew to major proportions in the United States.

The reason for publication of his many articles (now contained in two volumes) lies in the conviction of some Theosophical students that Judge’s writings are an indispensable aid in grasping the meaning of the Theosophical philosophy, and that recognition of his role and part in Theosophical organization and education is equally indispensable to an understanding of the Theosophical Movement. The merit, however, of what he accomplished, in this case through his writings, may be said to be self-evident. Ardor, simplicity, and depth are present on every page. There is the strength of high philosophy, but at the same time a faculty of simple communication unrivaled by any other Theosophical writer. He seems to have understood well the needs and concerns of the common man and was able to write for the average reader with a rare quality of invitation. His command of the language, made evident in, for example, “The Synthesis of Occult Science,” is impressive. His appeal to the heart is spontaneous and unpretentious, leaving no barriers to the inspiring quality felt in so much that he wrote. Almost without realizing it, the student of Theosophy who spends thoughtful time with the writings of William Q. Judge finds in him a guide, philosopher, and friend. These, then, are the reasons for reprinting his articles in a single and easily available source.

–The Publishers

Theosophy Company