No Religion Higher Than Truth

The Charges Against William Q. Judge

From William Q. Judge Theosophical Articles, Vol. II.

[BNet Editors – A few years after HPB died, HS Olcott spurred on by Annie Besant, who wanted to take over control of the Theosophical Society, began a series of denunciations and accusations against Judge. The main accusation was that he never received any letters from the Masters, and that he was never in contact with them, nor did he posses any psychic ability. Of course this was false, as he had in his possession letters that indeed were sent by the Masters, Also, because of his close association with HPB, she calling him publicly her dearest friend, Judge held a very important position in the Theosophical Society, especially in America. Annie had to destroy him, if she was to become the next President of the Theosophical Society. This is a sad tale of egotism, flagrant abuse of truth, and simple lust for power. In the coming months BNet will publish historical excerpts from a very insightful book, “The Theosophical Movement” ]

EDITOR Irish Theosophist:

The matter of charges against me seems not yet to be at an end, as I am informed that The Westminster Gazette has made a long story of the whole thing, as it was once before given in California and other places, and has added to it various falsifications of fact. All this has led some European members of the T.S. to say that they think I should make a reply and explanation. One would suppose that the legal maxim that a man is called innocent until he is proven guilty is but a form in England, and that a man’s friends are not obliged to defend him when accused until he has made all his proofs.

All I have to say for the present is this: that at the proper time and place I will have to say what I wish and find right and proper. Let us wait until all the innuendos, charges and accusations are fully presented. One who knows, as I do, that he is guided and helped by the Masters, knows also that there is a time and a place for everything, and is able to bide his time. That is what I am doing. When the true moment comes I will be able to speak, and then facts and circumstances will join in speaking for me.

New York, Nov. 20th, 1894
The Irish Theosophist, December 15, 1894